Frequently Asked Questions

Is EZ Lease service available in all cities and locations?

EZ Lease service is currently available in select residential compounds in Cairo, North Coast and Gouna.
We are rapidly expanding our coverage so check again regularly as will be adding other locations soon!

Is use of EZ Lease service guaranteed to all tenants and landlords?

While we aspire to serve all tenants and landlords, we cannot guarantee service to all users. EZ Lease will check each application and approve eligible tenants and landlords based on available information.

What is average saving when using EZ Lease service?

Upfront savings to tenants when using EZ Lease service could reach up to 70% compared to cash security deposit.

As tenant I signed up for EZ Lease service – why is EZ Lease asking for my credit card?

EZ Lease requires approved tenants to have valid credit card with available limit exceeding security deposit amount. The card is not charged – a temporary authorization is used to initiate EZ Lease service while documentation is under process. The temporary authorization is removed and replaced with trust receipt signed by tenant which replaces cash security deposit.

As a landlord, if tenants causes damages and refuses to pay – will landlord be re-imbursed?

For any requests by landlords, EZ Lease will re-imburse damages up to the amount of security deposit regardless of payment by tenant.

As tenant, I made all monthly payments for EZ Lease service – am I still liable for damages?

Yes. Monthly payments are for use of EZ Lease service. However, tenants are still liable for full rent payments and for any damages to the property during the course of the lease.

In case of dispute between landlord and tenant, what is role of EZ Lease?

EZ Lease is not involved in disputes between landlords and tenants as these are subject to lease agreement between two parties. EZ Lease service is limited to providing an alternative to cash security deposit. In case of requests from landlord, EZ Lease will re-imburse landlord and will seek repayment from tenant. If tenant disputes landlord’s claim, tenant will need to discuss directly with landlord.

What is the cost to cancel EZ Lease service?

Tenant can cancel EZ Lease service at any time – landlord confirmation is needed that there are no pending requests and that landlord will need seek re-imbursement from EZ Lease before service can be terminated. There are no penalties or additional costs associated with cancelling EZ Lease service

Does EZ Lease share information?

EZ Lease doesn’t share customer data with 3rd parties except to the extent required to carry out business activities (e.g., payment details with payment processor). All customer data are kept confidential and used only to provide services required by customers